House Quinotaur Sigil Sample Banner
Identity Quinotauri:

Some of our visitors will notice a number of changes in our site. These changes reflect the transforming paradigm of many of our members.

The biggest change is wording. We have distanced ourselves from the term vampire and vampirism and instead talk about those with the fundamental need to exchange energy. Identity is reflected as Quinotauri as opposed to Vampire. Why?

We use the term Quinotauri to differentiate ourselves from those who refer to themselves as vampires. Many years ago the vampire community believed sanguinarian vampires and psi vampires were totally different. Today, most of the community understands they are one and the same. Quinotaurii have come to a further understanding. We have a fundamental need to exchange energy not to take it. As such, the term vampire is not wholly accurate. Quinotaurii have the understanding we are something else, not parasites, not predators but people who exist in a symbiotic relationship with those not like us.

Some of you will notice our member writings still reflect some of the old terminology, such as feeding, vampires and the like. We have kept them this way deliberately. We wish to show everyone the path we took in order to get where we are now. Those writings will hopefully help others get to where we currently are, should they wish, a little more quickly than we did. Our personal writings are reflections of ourselves, ever changing beings constantly in search of wisdom.
