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Vampiric Godforms and Egregores: By Narradas

Various entities have vampiric qualities.

Godforms are complex beings which exist due to the beliefs (often held by many) that the Being is real. This belief energy adds to their essence, and allows the Being to perform not only the perceived functions it has, but also it's own agenda.

Some examples of Vampiric Godforms are:

Anath (Canaanite)
Blood drinking Goddess. She was fertilized through blood, and even other Gods feared her.
Cihuacoatl (Aztec)
Blood drinking Goddess. Known as the snake woman, she traditionally has two knives sticking out of her forehead.
Hathor (Egyptian)
Hathor is often the Goddess spoken of in the Sekhmet myth.
Hecate (Greek)
Goddess of night travel, magic, moon and crosswroads (literal and figurative).
Kali (Hindu)
Goddes of Death, associated with blood, fangs and change.
Nanahuatl (Aztec)
God of the Sun who requires the blood and hearts of men or gods in order to live.
Nyx (Greek)
Goddess of night and primordial chaos.
Osiris (Egyptian)
Enemy of Set. He too, was a High Priest who was later deified. Set put him through the same ritual he performed on his 72 followers, represented through the legend of the coffin Osiris was coaxed into.
Sekhmet (Egyptian)
Avenger of a plot against the Gods, she developed a taste for blood after drinking it from the humans she killed.
Set (Egyptian)
The High Priest who later became deified. He discovered a ritual to turn people into spiritual immortals. He initially converted 72 of his followers and bound them to him in a never ending cycle of death and rebirth.
Tiamat (Babylonian)
Goddess of primordial chaos.

Egregores are powerful entities which are stronger than servitors (and more independent) but not quite at the same level of power as a Godform.

Some examples of Vampiric Egregores are:

Due to Cain's curse by God, some vampires worship him as the original vampire.
Demi-Goddess of night, feminine empowerment and blood feeding.
Undead Gods
From the ethos of the Temple of the Vampire. Disembodied vampires raised to Demi-God status.