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Bloodborne Pathogens:

A number of us exchange energy inherit in blood, whether regularly or on occasion. It is very important you are aware of the potential risks involved and work to protect yourself.

Bloodborne pathogens are tiny organisms in a person's blood or bodily fluids that can cause illness and disease in people. Many people think of HIV as being the main one, however Hepatitis is actually a more common one to catch.

How they are transmitted:

  • an accidental puncture by a sharp object
  • open cuts coming in contact with the blood (most common way for vamps to get it)
  • sexual contact (another common way often used as part of feeding)
  • indirect transmission (a person touches dried blood then rubs their eyes, mouth, open cut or nose)

Types of Bloodborne Pathogens

Hepatitis B (HBV)
This can vary from no effect to you to being fatal. Fore more details: Details
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Most people are now familiar with HIV. However for details go here: Details
Hepatitis C
Although rarely transmitted through blood it can be. Details
Also rare, this is still a potential danger to blooddrinkers. Details

Suggested Tests for Bloodborne Pathogens

  1. HBsAG (detects the outer envelope that would identify an individual infected with the hepatitis B virus)
  2. anti-HBc (detects an antibody to the hepatitis B virus that is produced during and after infection)
  3. anti-HVC (It works by detecting antibodies manufactured by the body in reaction to portions of the virus called antigens)
  4. anti-HIV-1,-2 (designed to detect antibodies directed against antigens of the HIV-1 or HIV-2 viruses)
  5. anti-HTLV-I, -II (screens for antibodies directed against portions of the HTLV-I and HTLV-II viruses)
  6. Syphilis
For more information check out AAB.ORG