Quinotauri Magick:
This is a collection of some of the forms of magick which relate to
Quinotaurii, our gifts and a history of some of the terms.
There is no unique tradition of magick for those with the fundamental need to exchange energy, however there are groups which have developed their own slants and ideas on the subject.
The Sanguinarium has developed Sangomancy, which is their own blend of chaos magick, blood magick, hedonism and vampire energy.
Another term recently coined by the some in the vampire community is Vampyrecrafte. This term is defined differently depending upon who you talk to. Some say it is a general term for the Craft of working magick if you are a vampire. Others say it is a term for vampires who are also Wiccans or Pagans who practice lighter forms of magick. The main proponents of this term is a group located in Alabama. Their ideas behind it, including their own tradition called Epiphany can be found here.
There are methods of magick which are closely related to what we can do, however the main difference is, these techniques can be learned by anyone.
Learned Psychic Vampirism
It is possible for people to learn how to drain others. While it is a natural trait of Psi Vampires, Awakened Humans may also learn how. If this is something you do, or are interested in, House Quinotaur is not the place for you. We are composed of those born with the fundamental need to exchange energy, not Learned Psychic Vampires. This isn't magick directly, but more psi based, however I felt it pertinent to mention.
Vampire Constructs
This type of idea can be done with psi or through a magickal ritual. The rituals often produce more lasting constructs for use. A construct (also known as servitor or thoughtform) is an artificial incorporeal entity made by someone to perform a task or specific set of tasks. Vampire constructs are programmed to take energy from someone or something. The energy can be use right away or stored in some type of receptacle, most often a crystal. For more information on the ritual creation of a vampire construct see Narradas's writings on Ritual Vampiric Constructs.
Vampiric Entities
There are a number of entities with vampiric traits, as well as godforms which relate strongly to vampirism. These can be invoked, evoked or communed with to produce various results. It should also be noted, that between incarnations it is possible to contact others like ourselves still located in subtle reality. For more information on the various entities see Narradas's writings on Vampiric Godforms and Egregores.
Vampiric Magick
Some people have come up with different methods (as opposed to systems) of working magick that compliments vampirism very well. Arawyn ConThanatos's website discusses the use of sigils, runes and servitors in conjunction with vampirism.
For other links on vampiric magick see Xaronzon's website, or subscribe to the Vampyre Magick Elist.